Immersive Roulette Deluxe Free Demo Game

In Roulette, a small ball spins around a wheel with thirty-seven numbered pockets. When the ball lands in one of them, the winning number is determined.
The object of the game is to guess the number the ball will land on by placing one or more bets covering that specific number. You win if you place a bet that covers that specific number. The payout amount depends on the type of bet placed.
Place your bets during the designated time on the roulette table, where all the standard betting positions are displayed.
When placing your bets, select the chip value
and place it on the desired betting fields on the table. You can place bets until the designated time has expired. After that, no more bets are accepted.
Your total bet for the current round will be displayed in the “Total Bet” window. The ball will be launched into the roulette wheel according to the valid spin rule described in the “Valid Spin Rule in Roulette” paragraph of this text.
When the ball lands on one of the numbered cells, the winning number will be highlighted and displayed
on your screen. If any of your bets
covers the winning number, you will receive a win according to the roulette payout table. The amount you win will be indicated in the win message,
You can place many different bets on the roulette table. Each bet can cover a single number or a specific range, and each type of bet has its own payout odds.
Bets placed on the numbered fields or on the lines between them are called inside bets, while bets placed on the special fields at the bottom and sides of the table are called outside bets. The numbers that are covered by a bet on a particular field are highlighted.
Wheel sector betting is a convenient way for roulette players to place bets on a large section of the wheel at once. Each machine covers a different set of numbers and offers different payout odds.
To open the racetrack betting area on mobile, tap the racetrack icon. Tap it again to close/reopen.
On a desktop computer, the racetrack is open by default. Use the arrows to collapse or expand it.
The roulette racetrack is divided into the following sectors:
Voisins du Zero is a bet of 9 chips, which covers 17 numbers: zero, seven numbers on the right and nine numbers on the left. This largest sector of the wheel is marked on the racetrack as Voisins. The chips are placed as follows:
Jeu Zéro is a 4-chip bet that covers zero and the nearest adjacent numbers. The chips
are placed as follows:
Tiers du Cylindre is a 6 chip bet that covers 12 numbers, including 27, 33 and the numbers in between, marked as Tiers on the racetrack.
Chips are placed on the splits of these 12 numbers:
Orphelins is a 5-chip bet covering the numbers on the racetrack that are not covered by the Voisins du Zero Tiers du Cylindre bets. The chips are placed as follows:
A neighbor bet is a 5-chip bet that covers a specific number and its two closest neighbors on the racetrack on either side.
To place a neighbor bet, click/tap on a specific number on the wheel. The chip is placed on that number and the adjacent numbers to the right and back. You can change the number of neighbors from 1 to 9 on each side.
Special bets, also known as Final or Finale bets, allow you to place bets on specific numbers (straight bets) that end with the same number. Any of the special bets covers multiple numbers in one turn with chips of your chosen denomination.
To open Special Bets on a mobile device, tap the Favorites & Special Bets icon and select Special Bets. Tap again to close.
To open the Special Bets section on desktop, click the Special Bets icon.
Click the arrow to close.
The following specials are available: Finales en Plein, Finales a Cheval and Complete. Finales en Plein are all straight bets ending with the chosen number. So this bet can include three or four numbers.
A bet on any Finales en Plein sector number will distribute the chips as follows:
Finales a Cheval are also bets of French origin in single zero roulette. With them, you can place bets on pairs of splits ending in the same number.
A bet on any Finales a Cheval sector number will distribute chips as follows:
A Comillete is a maximum coverage bet that places all inside bets on a given number as follows:
A bet on any number in Complete will place a certain number of chips on the roulette table:
The Favorites feature allows you to save up to 10 favorite bet combinations for easy placement in future rounds at any roulette table. To open Favorites on a mobile device, tap the Favorites & Special Bets icon. Tap again to close.
To open the Favorites section on your desktop, click the Favorites icon.
Click the arrow to close.
Place the chips on the table and save the combination by clicking/tapping on it.
Additionally, you can save your winning combination by clicking/tapping on the Favorites icon that appears in the win message.
Once your bet combination is saved in Favorites, you can use it when betting. When you click/tap on a selected bet in Favorites, your chips will be placed on the table accordingly.
You can place multiple saved Favorites bets at once in the same game round, along with any additional chips.
You can also edit, rename, pin, duplicate or delete any of your Favorites bets or create a new one at any time.
The Bet Builder feature offers a flexible and convenient way to create individual bets according to your preferences. With the ability to save and edit saved bets at any time during a game round, you can optimize your gaming experience. Using the Bet Builder allows you to place bets on both the standard table layout and the racetrack, and save your favorite bets for future use.
Once you create and save a bet, it will appear in the Favorites section.
The Latest Winning Numbers screen shows the most recent winning numbers. The result of the last completed round is shown on the left.
Click/tap on any number while betting to place a straight bet on it.
The Statistics window provides a wide range of information about the game round and can help you decide which numbers to pick in future game rounds.
Click/tap on the Statistics icon to open/close this window. Use the slider to view information about the last 500 results.
Inside the window are the full game statistics, which are divided into three sections:
Hot numbers are the numbers that have won the most times. Cold numbers are the numbers that have won the fewest times.
Hover over any number on the pie chart to see how many times that number has appeared in the selected number of game rounds.
In the Latest Results section you can find the latest winning numbers within the selected number of spins. When you hover over a number, all occurrences of it will be highlighted.
You can place a bet by clicking/tapping on any value or number in the Statistics section. Bets will be placed at the designated time with the selected chip value. Hover your mouse to highlight the corresponding betting box on the layout and click/tap to place a chip of the selected value.