Blackjack Player’s Choice Free Demo Game

Double down after split (one card only after Double) Double down on any two cards ♣ Dealer must draw on 16 ♣ Dealer must stand on all 17’s Six decks used, shuffled after each hand
You can select a different amount for each bet by selecting a new chip value or placing multiple chips in each betting area. The total bet amount will be displayed in the Total Bet panel. Click the Undo button to remove placed chips in the reverse order of placement. Click the Clear button to remove all chips from the table. Click the Deal button to start the game. Once you click the Deal button, bets cannot be cancelled. After you click the Deal button, two cards will be dealt for each hand being played. If you have bets on more than one hand, the cards will be dealt from the right side of the screen. The dealer’s first card is then revealed.
Peek (depending on game configuration): If the dealer’s up card is a 10 or an Ace, the dealer will peek at the bottom card to see if he has a blackjack. If he does, any hand without a blackjack loses. Any hand with a blackjack ends the game in a tie (PUSH). After each hand has been dealt two cards, you can click “More” (get an additional card from the deck) or “Stand” (leave the current hand as is) for each hand in turn.
If you get a blackjack or 21, you will not be asked to hit another card or stand. Since this is the best hand you can get, the game will automatically move to the next hand.
Surrender (depending on the game configuration): After the dealer checks for a blackjack, the player may surrender their hand for an amount equal to half of their ante bet.
If you decide to hit and the total is less than 21, you will be given the option to hit again or stand until the total reaches 21 (the game will “stop” automatically), or until you “bust”, meaning the total exceeds 21. (When you decide to stand or bust, the hand ends, play moves to the next hand, and this process is repeated until all hands have been played. • The dealer’s hand is then played. The dealer must hit if his total is 16 or less, and must stand if his total is 17 or greater (including a “soft 17”, consisting of 61 5 and an ace).
If the player and dealer are tied, a push (tie) is declared on that hand at the end of the round. A push is considered a tie and the bet on that hand is returned to the player.
During any hand, you will be given the option to “Double” your bet. To do this, click the “Double” button when it appears (except for split aces). If you choose to “Double”, the bet amount for the current hand will be doubled, then you will receive one additional card and must stand. If you split your hand, you will still be given the option to “Double” your bet (unless you have split aces).
If your two starting cards are the same value, you will be given the option to split your hand. To do this, click on the Split button when it appears. After splitting a hand, an additional bet is made equal to the initial bet on that hand. When splitting, a blackjack is not awarded, it counts as 21. Cards for a single hand can only be split twice. When splitting two aces, only one card is dealt to each hand with an ace.
If the dealer’s first card is an ace, you will be given the option to make an insurance bet. The insurance bet can be up to half the amount of the bet on the box. An insurance bet is a completely separate bet that does not depend on the outcome of the player’s hands. Insurance gives you the opportunity to protect your hand if the dealer has blackjack. You can insure any, all (or none) of the hands you play.
You will be offered the following options:
Yes or No (applies to the current hand only). Yes to All or No to All (applies to all hands). Never Offer (prevents the pop-up from appearing for the rest of the session). If the dealer has blackjack, you win the insurance bet no matter who wins the hand, even if you bust. If the dealer does not have blackjack, you lose the insurance bet and it is removed from the table. The original bet on the hand lasts until you bust or win.
During any hand, you will be given the option to “Fold”. To do this, simply click the “Fold” button when it appears. If you decide to fold, your current hand will be considered closed and you will be paid half of your Ante bet. The option to fold is only available for each hand until a decision is made. Once a decision is made, the option to fold will be disabled for that hand.
♣ Select two side bets to be active during each hand
♣ Side bets can be changed between hands
This additional bet can be made without placing a standard bet. The Perfect Pairs bet is based on the players’ first two cards. Hands are ranked in the following order:
Mixed Pair – a pair consisting of 1 card of the red suit and 1 card of the black suit (pays 5:1) After all the initial cards have been dealt to the players and the dealer, the dealer must collect all losing Perfect Pairs bets and make and pay out to each player who had a winning Perfect Pairs bet. A player will only be paid for one winning event, although their hand may contain more than one winning event (the event with the largest winning event is paid). The dealer then resumes regular play.
Perfect Pair | 30 to 1 |
Coloured Pair | 10 to 1 |
Mixed Pair | 5 to 1 |
This additional bet can be made without placing a standard bet. The Lucky Ladies bet is based on the players’ first two cards. Hands are ranked in the following order:
After all the initial cards have been dealt to the players and the dealer, the dealer must collect all losing Lucky Ladies bets and pay out any player who had a winning Lucky Ladies bet. The player will only be paid for one winning event, although his hand may contain more than one winning event (the event with the largest win is paid). The dealer then resumes normal play.
Queen Of Hearts Pair | 100 to 1 |
Matched 20 | 30 to 1 |
Suited 20 | 10 to 1 |
Any 20 | 3 to 1 |
Any Queen | 1 to 1 |
This additional bet can be made without placing a standard bet. The Suit ‘Em Up bet is based on the players’ first two cards. Hands are ranked in the following order:
After all the initial cards have been dealt to the players and the dealer, the dealer must collect all losing Suit ‘Em Up bets and pay out any player who had a winning Suit ‘Em Up bet. The player will only be paid for one winning event, although his hand may contain more than one winning event (the event with the largest win is paid). The dealer then resumes normal play.
Suited Aces | 60 to 1 |
Suited Blackjack | 10 to 1 |
Suited Pair | 5 to 1 |
Suited Eleven | 3 to 1 |
Any Suited | 2 to 1 |
This additional bet cannot be made without placing a standard bet. The Buster Blackjack bet is based on the dealer’s hand and only wins if the dealer BUSTs (gets more than 21 points). Hands are ranked in the following order:
After all hands have been played, the dealer deals cards to himself until he reaches 17 or more or until he BUSTS. If the dealer does not BUST, all additional bets on Buster Blackjack are lost. If the dealer BUSTS, all players who have bet on Buster Blackjack are paid. If any (or all) players BUST, the dealer still plays his hand. A player is paid for only one winning event, although his hand may contain more than one winning event (the event with the largest winning is paid). The game then ends.
8+ Cards | 2000 to 1 |
7 Cards | 800 to 1 |
8+ Cards | 250 to 1 |
7 Cards | 50 to 1 |
6 Cards | 18 to 1 |
5 Cards | 4 to 1 |
3 or 4 Cards | 1 to 1 |
This additional bet can be made without placing a standard bet. The 21+3 bet is based on the players’ first two cards and the dealer’s up card. Hands are ranked in the following order:
After all the initial cards have been dealt to the players and the dealer, the dealer must collect all losing 21+3 bets and pay out to each player who had a winning 21+3 bet. A player will only be paid for one winning event, although their hand may contain more than one winning event (the event with the largest winning is paid out). The dealer then resumes normal play.
Suited Three Of A Kind | 100 to 1 |
Straight Flush | 40 to 1 |
Three Of A Kind | 25 to 1 |
Straight | 10 to 1 |
Flush | 5 to 1 |
This additional bet can be made without placing a standard bet. The Lucky Lucky bet is based on the players first two cards and the dealer’s up card. The hands are ranked in the following order:
After all the initial cards have been are dealt to the players and the dealer, the dealer must collect all losing Lucky Lucky bets and pay out each player who had a winning Lucky Lucky bet. A player will only be paid for one winning event, although their hand may contain more than one winning event (the event with the largest win is paid out). The dealer then resumes regular play.
Suited 777 | 200 to 1 |
Suited 678 | 100 to 1 |
777 | 50 to 1 |
678 | 30 to 1 |
Suited 21 | 10 to 1 |
21 Total | 3 to 1 |
20 Total | 2 to 1 |
19 Total | 2 to 1 |